The liquid detector AFA 11 is the successor product of the oil/water alarm unit 3.
The unit in a wall mounting housing triggers visual and audible alarms in the event of accumulations of liquids which can be caused by leaks, backflow, flooding, etc. AFA 11 consists of a control unit with visual/audible alarm, Test and Acknowledge keys, a relay output and a photoelectric probe. The probe is mounted at the lowest point of the area to be monitored. Alarm is triggered when escaped liquid is detected. The audible alarm can be muted with the Acknowledge key. The visual alarm remains active until the leak has been removed. The Test key allows you to simulate an alarm condition in order to perform a function test. The voltage-free relay contact is provided for connection of additional alarm equipment (such as additional alarm unit ZAG 01, horn) or building control technology. The alarm units are suitable for panel mounting with a mounting frame.
Power outage alarm: An optional 9 V battery can be connected so that an audible alarm is triggered in the case of power outage. The alarm cannot be acknowledged and is disabled once power is available again.
EnOcean® ready: AFA 11 can be integrated into the AFRISO smart home system or other smart home systems based on EnOcean® wireless by means of the optional wireless module TCM 320. This allows for additional push messages to smartphones or via e-mail (further accessories required).