However, the population of honeybees has been in danger for years. In Germany, there have been significant declines in bee colonies over the past 25 years. Additional research may be required to understand all causes for this, but several reasons are obvious even today: parasites such as the Varroa mite or the disproportionate use of pesticides certainly do their part and make commercial beekeeping increasingly unprofitable. This cannot be compensated by the pleasingly increasing number of hobbyist beekeepers.
As a family-run company, we are firmly rooted in the region and like to take responsibility for people and nature. Therefore, in the year of our 150th anniversary, we decided to invest in keeping honeybees. In the future, the AFRISO honey produced by the company’s own honeybees will be used to promote the project “bee pasture” and inspire as many people and companies as possible to be involved in the conservation of ecological biodiversity.