Adelbert Fritz bestowed not only his name on our company, but also the fundamental principles of its mission today: responsibility and social competence. Now, more than 145 years later, this still sets the standard and drives the company's entrepreneurial activities as it moves towards the future. Although we serve an extremely wide variety of markets and industries, all AFRISO employees work according to the same values. Reliability, flexibility and independence are the basis of our day-to-day work.
Our corporate culture is marked by a sense of responsibility. The people involved and their needs and competencies are the focus. We want our employees to be content here with us. The activities and diverse projects within the framework of the "Beruf und Familie" ("Career and Family") audit (certified 2006 - 2013) and the occupational health and safety management system implemented in 2009 help us show this to the outside world. In a family-run business, the value of a handshake still applies in a figurative sense, and this is something everyone can count on – employees, suppliers and customers.
Career and Family:
A whole range of measures and activities ensures optimum work - life balance:
- Flexible working hours
- Part time employment
- Occupational pension plans
- Training possibilities for parents on parental leave
- AFRISO discount pass with discount in local stores, e.g. gym
- Support in finding nursery schools
Training and Continuing Education:
We support training and education of our employees with a comprehensive training programme and personalised training offers:
- Product training covering the entire AFRISO product portfolio
- 8 recognised occupations requiring apprenticeship and 4 degree programmes at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University DHBW
- Various free language courses
- Trainings covering office management, time management, communication skills and quality
- Various health seminars and much more ...
Cooperation Partners:
- IHK Heilbronn-Franken (chamber of industry and commerce (IHK-certified training company)
- Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University)
- Hochschule Heilbronn (Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences)
- Bildungspark Heilbronn-Franken gGmbH (vocational and general training and institute)
- Realschule Güglingen (secondary modern school)
- Katharina-Kepler-Schule Güglingen (school)
- Zabergäu-Gymnasium Brackenheim (secondary school)
- Projects with kindergartens in Güglingen such as TECHNOlino (learning technology by playing)